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Monday, July 23, 2012

Write to Heal and Grow

Well I guess this post will end the tips for writers series. The first three tips are not so much writing prompts as they are writing preps. 

Jeff wants writers to make time for writing by getting up two hours early. Yeah that is so not Midnight Musing style. 

I would rather stay up two hours later or curtail my fooling around at sometime during the day to focus on writing. 

You can read his tips and make the appropriate changes to your life. I am taking them under advisement. 

Meanwhile and this seems fitting considering all that the nation is dealing with right now, here is something I wrote while in high school.

In the spring of my sophomore year the night of homecoming three local kids were in a single car crash. Two were injured and my good friend Lee did not survive. 

It was the first time such shocking grief hit home for many of us kids. 
I began to learn that writing could be therapeutic for both writers and readers. I was experimenting with writing types and genres.

This piece I wrote in In Honor of Lee was featured in the school year book: 

I got the saddest news today, 
and I just don’t know what to say.

Last night was homecoming. 
I’m sure you all know, 
that many of my friends 
were eager to go.

Well most of them went 
but here comes some sad news: 
not all of them came home again, 
now have the blues.

I can’t quite remember 
the day we first met 
but our last conversation 
I will never forget. 

She gave me two pictures 
and about 15 letters 
they now hold my heart 
like huge iron fetters.

I pray for her family 
and I hope they can see 
what a special blessing 
their daughter was to me.

I wanted to write a poem 
for the whole world to see, 
precisely how sad this death has made me, 
but the words would not come 
I just could not convey, 
the feelings from within my heart 
in any kind of way.

So in honor of Lee 
I wrote this sad letter.
 To all those she knew 
may we never forget her. 

Love Tosca

Michelle "Lee" Ward 1975-1991


  1. This is a beautiful poem and eloquently express the loss you faced. I too find writing to be therapeutic.

    I know I just nominated you for an award. It didn't look like you already had this one, so here ya go - Another Award!

    I have nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award because I feel like you are a “sister” in the blogging world to me.

    1. I had a little chuckle as I typed it up. It is a poem although I called it a letter. Even back then I had an eye and a voice or writing style ;>

      Mean while SQUEE I have no sisters so this is extra special! I need some blog prompts too. heheheheh

      Bless you I am glad I have met you this challenge! Thanks.
