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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Write Wild Get Loose

Tip number twelve is: Provoke through your writing.

If you needed someone to give you a push, here goes!

I learned this lesson about relating to others early. Be real. Be honest. That means sharing the good the bad and sometimes the ugly.

I remember with my social communities the hardest thing I had to share was when my father died suddenly one day. It was so shocking I did not want to scare others. 

Still I decided it needed to be shared. If anyone else was about to go through that I wanted them to have that extra push to give a hug or place a call etc.

As a writer on a normal day I have an edge. I want to be provocative. I am passionate and I can hop up on one of my many soap boxes in a moment.

Nothing is really off limits.

There are a couple of blogs I see in my blogging communities talking about adult bodily functions these days in a series. 

I think we all have those and don’t really need to discuss it for fun.

Other than that thankfully I have been living a thoughtful life. Since my daughter has been on the scene I have understood that someone is watching me. 

I make decisions knowing that what I do affects her. I want her to be able to respect me. I do not want to jeopardize our life together.

Do you have an ugly hidden story you need to reveal? Do you worry that you will be judged or unloved when you do?

Have you imagined that you might endear yourself to your readers? 

Can you imagine that whatever you are hiding is not unusual? 

Go right now and type it into a search engine. Topics should pop right up. Read a few and then write and release something deep and dark. 

Whatever you have done or gone through is a building block towards your future. 

Do not be afraid. If there is some commentary you have been biting your tongue against releasing to the world say it! Speak out.

Post it to social media your friends will understand. Frame it out on your blog that is your private platform. Be humble and honest. 

Your readers will tell you what they really think. If you are wrong you want to know it. If you need to make amends when will there be a better time?

Life is not about being perfect and always beautiful to look at. It is about finding the beauty in all seasons and areas of life and living. Write dangerously fearlessly courageously.


If you have to, write it just for yourself and do not even share it. Just look at it in written form and be real with yourself for a moment.

Find others who are dealing with the same issue and be renewed. You do not have to tell them you share their issue. It can be a secret but there is healing in community. Go


  1. are fresh, open, honest and REAL. Thanks for pushing us all, your readers, to be the same. I agree -- there IS healing in community. This is an excellent post, and I just loved the graphics you chose.

    1. Well I am just following Jeff's tips as thousands of others did. I loved the story he shared which was very poignant and compelling.

      Glad you like the graphics you know those take as long to choose as the writing some days. ugh lol

      Still yes I think this post is timely. Read a blog just yesterday about women keeping silent about their true...intimate feelings in relationships. Heartbreaking. The least I can do is use my voice and call out to those who will listen.

  2. Enjoyed this. I have been so to speak developing my blog style for the last couple years and sometimes when I hit that publish button I thin---does it sound stupid? Did it make sense? Did it encourage or stir someone's spirit. Hard to know with so many blogs out there and not a lot of promoting yet but I will continue in the way I have been and hope that God will refine me.

    1. Join some blogging groups on Facebook. There are Christian and secular. They should provide honest feedback. Thanks for dropping by and sharing. We all have doubts from time to time. It is good to keep writing as we flesh them out. Refinement does come over time.

  3. yes! life is about enjoying the seasons! thank you so much for this and thank you for participating in the linkup =)

    1. I found and commented on some interesting posts via the link up. It might inspire a new post about over sharing or being too exposed. We shall see.
