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Friday, August 17, 2012

Blog Lovers Wanted

Silly me. I have been asked directly or indirectly the same question more than three times now. The answer is lengthy. It is also very digital. Finally today with no inspiration for a blog post in sight it hits me.

A new thing I am learning to love about blogging is the information and content it leaves available for future moments. 

It is like having business cards used to be in the business world.

Someone is talking about wanting to lose weight. I have at least three posts about that.

Someone is pregnant. I told my birth story on the blog about my teen.

Want blogging tips? See here

Need to understand how to break into Twitter or really enjoy the new Klout rankings? Check this out.

I do not have to repeat myself, although sometimes I do. Instead I can share a link to where I have already posted 500 words or so about the topic at hand.

Now I really understand what people have been saying to me about writing a non fiction book as a ticket to new business adventures and connections. 

When you meet someone and they want to more about you or what you stand for and think if you have written a book about your life or your passion you can share that with them.

They love the take away and get to feel impressed that they have run in to a published author. 

Here online if your blog content is as good as you believe it is when you share and reshare it hopefully it can eventually create it’s own buzz.

Tell a friend, Tweet, share to another platform,  join some common groups, there are so many things a reader can do with the information you provide them.

It is to that latter end that this post was trying to get to. Here are a bakers dozen blogging groups websites or communities that you my lovely reader can join and connect to with me!

Enjoy and I should be seeing more of you soon. (Click the numbers not the words  blogger linking is LAME. Don't ask.)

1) We Blog
 2) Ultimate Blog Challenge
3)  A2Z Blog Challenge
 4) Authentic Blogger
5) Share a Blog

6)  Join Something
7) Christian Bloggers Network 

8) Bloggers Network

9) Christian Women Online 
10 ) Christian Women Bloggers

11)  LeadHer Blogger Pool Post Wall 

12) Women Bloggers

13) NetWorkedBlogs 

Some of these groups are closed. Others are open. The challenges start and stop or go on at different times of the year. The newest one Join Something is seeking guest posts as it gets off the ground.
#BloggersNetwork and the Ultimate Blog Challenge can be connected with on Twitter. 

Follow them and use their hash tags for them to pick up and RT your posts if you are a tweeter. #BlogBoost for UBC


  1. You are a wealth of info, my friend. Thank you!!!

    1. Just doing my part. I hope some people will feel empowered and share some more with us!

  2. Thanks again for bringing all this info to my attention!

    1. Isn't it nice to have it all in one place? I do not know what took me so long to think of this. You are welcomed and thank you!

  3. Too much blogging fun out there and not enough time for me to do it all.

    Wrote By Rote

    1. Plan your work and work your plan. hahahahahah When life is busy I do what I have to and blogging fun has to wait. When I only have a few moments I get as much done online as I can promoting, posting, visiting, commenting etc. There is always tomorrow and a fresh start to all the fun. Thanks for dropping by.

  4. Hey ToscaSac! Nice to meet you! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts at the A-Z Blog.
    I LOVE this post. It explains so simply yet thoroughly how to get more readers, and I definitely agree that more people need to read. I'm not just a math nerd, I was a math and English teacher. Yes, weird combination. Or so I've been told. I noticed you have a nerd SCORE. I want one! I want a 100% I'm that nerdy. Well, not Sheldon, Big Bang Theory nerdy...just appreciate words and puns and a good math joke, and a hard math problem to tackle...Hoping that button leads me to the test. If not, would you hook me up?
    Love your attitude, will come back and want to read more, so I'm following. That's my definition.
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Welcome to the blog! I almost feel redundant sharing the simple things I am learning about how to blog and be noticed. It is thus always good to be reminded that the audience keeps changing.

      Yes a math and English combo is fairly rare I would think. I am all words and letters. I can balance my check book and file my own taxes but other than that ugh. lol

      I like logic puzzles and word problems don't perturb me like most people probably because they start with words.

      I love little online tests too so if you find any fun ones you will have to let me know.

  5. DANG IT! You beat me. I only got a 78. Probably because I've never built a computer, or have hazardous materials (besides killer dust bunnies) in my bedroom) and I only knew one of the pictures, but I probably got it wrong. However, doesn't me being upset about not getting a high nerd score PROVE how nerdy I am??? Sigh.
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. My daughter loves the Big Bang Theory, Sheldon and all the gang. I have given up on sitcoms and laugh tracks but if it makes you feel any better I guessed a bit on the test. lol

      A while back I was having issues with my browser. I posted about it and for a few days I was all over the web discovering there is more to the web than the big three of them. Normal right?

      Then more recently a friend of mine woke up and turned on his computer to find some conflicts between his browser, security system and operating system.

      In full detail he explained via a Facebook update the work around he used and how anyone with the same specs and issues might find it handy.

      My Nerd/Geek alarm went off but then I thought there had to be reasons we became friends. There is at least a ten year age difference between us. We met when he was on his way to work and I was just out of high school.

      I am a latent closet geek because I dislike math and by association science even computers to a large degree. My social skills lead my interests and abilities but I know enough at least about technology to function online.

      I might be a Word

  6. This post made me laugh and smile. A blog really is like a business card. I have so many topics now, I can almost give reference to any number of things regarding social media, travel, and blogging. I'm also familiar with some of these groups, so maybe I'll see ya there ;-)

    1. I am glad I could amuse you. That is part of my goal. I want to be informative and entertaining.

      In the same way I want to span the gambit of topics and so I do as well. It is great reference material for social relating.

      Yes I am sure I will and look forward to seeing you around in groups.

  7. LOL. As I am reading this, I realize the more I write, as time progresses, I write in the style of:

    "Well the other day when I made the big revelation (of course revelation is linked to an older post) about how much I hate racism, which you already know (already know will be linked to a post on racism) and yada, yada . . .

    Next thing I know, I have about 10 links within one post. Which I know is way too much, but I don't want to assume that most of my readers aren't ones who have been with me and I want those who are just joining to have the opportunity to catch up if they care to.

    It's like a business card/documentary.
    Thanks for linking up to the groups!

    1. I have not often been tempted to over link but I hear what you are saying. For me the blog is like a business card. As I am reading along via social media when a topic comes up I think "I blogged about that" so I will share a link back to the post.

      It is all in good fun and with the desire to share what you know. I agree I try to write so that someone who is reading my blog for the very first time can keep up. I have the search enabled so people can look up key words and topics they might be interested in.

      So far the only complaint is some color schemes work better than

  8. Hi. Thanks for the list. Great info!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I am glad I could help with info new and old bloggers.

  9. Thanks for sharing this post with meTosca! Took long enough to realize. Now that I have a blog up and running, perhaps these tips will come in handy.

  10. Thanks. I just put my new blog up this week on wordpress. I do like it.. thanks to nerdy tech boyfriend😁😁I'm still editing my content and rewriting but it's atleast up and running.yippee.

  11. Glad you have someone to help you on your end and now you have us the bloggers. Enjoy!
