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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cyber Shopping Monday s

The only shopping I did for cyber Monday was comparison shopping. What I am banking on is that anything I did not buy will be cheaper or just as cheap the day after Christmas so there is no rush.

It does not hurt that my budget is stuck until at least a week or two from now. I am mostly finished getting the few gifts I want for my daughter. We are not even doing Christmas this year. I will light some candles and contemplate Hanuka next month.

Since she does not read my blog I can tell you about what I want for her. 

She wants a bath robe from Burlington and Patient Zero a zombie novel. She likes candles so I got her a cute little discount votive set. I bought her a palm sized flat iron that I hope will work well and a wet to dry curling iron I think. These things are buried so it is easy to forget.

I don't do wrapping. I can make a festive covering for gifts that have to travel but other than that I just see express packaging as waste.

A car is still our biggest need so my little wish list is on the back burner for a little longer but it includes a pop corn popper. One that you plug in. I sort of scorch the stove top ones... New inline skates, my first pair of ice skates, some wall clocks and an espresso machine. 

I saw for Black Friday Macy's had a 40% off deal and I found one over there for under $50. That was a great deal until I found one on Amazon tonight for under $40. The new perk I am discovering is rebate availability for some on line purchases now with this new business opportunity. Overstock is a partner and also Barnes and Noble.

So next month on a Monday I might be comparison shopping again and this time hitting send on some purchases. We shall see but it does seem like something to pencil in on the calendar to look forward to on a Monday you know?

I could get used to this delivery stuff. I just love cyber space. It seems hilarious now, I have an eye for things. I sold Tupperware in the late 90's they were fighting the idea of selling on line. They felt that customers wouldn't respond to the product the same way. I know there was a part of me and still is that does not exactly want no retail shopping with all 5 senses from time to time.

Still there is that sitting on the couch, bed or floor in total privacy and at ones own convenience thing. When we know what we want, the deal is just a steal or we are simply willing to take a gamble. Keeping brown Ups and fed the X in business, rivaling the Us P services, life is good. Or as Martha would say "It's a good thing".

Do you shop online? Is it a chore or a joy and delight? Who are your favorite retailers?

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