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Monday, April 4, 2011

Takes 1 2 KNo 1 & I like Eminem

People that know me say I speak so quickly they swear I am not breathing. This is silly but I have heard it more than once. I started explaining it by suggesting maybe there was an auctioneer in my lineage. With the kind of people I hang out with and the way my mind works it was the first thing that came to mind.

As I contemplate where God could be taking me and how He could use my talent and speaking abilities to reach masses it had almost become a point of concern. Will people be able to understand me? Is it some sort of disorder? I talk fast when I am excited and talking with people excites me!

Let us look at another situation from my semi recent past. 

Through the local homeschooling support group I felt led to create, I realized I am a leader and have a voice. People really responded to my posts and points of view. To sort of warn people about my radical views I would say something like “I am getting on my soap box” in a post I felt exceptionally passionate about.

Seen through another filter of who I am and what God has created in me I realize I was in many ways preaching. The setting was secular but I am not. Speaking from the heart to the people out of my head for their encouragement, edification and instruction. Gifted by God to reach those who needed it.


The same thing happens in person.

Question: Who influences the world and culture with interesting words (Hint: lyrics) that are so quick the human ear hears them and the brain can barely keep up?

Answer: Rap Artists

Well what do you know I might have an “act black” trait after all.

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