I have gotten out of
the blogging/writing habit. This is bad as school days come to a close and
papers are due.
It is even worse for
the poor little blog which just sits here.
The irony is there
are things I want to write about. I just do not feel like I feel like writing
if that makes any sense.
I even have a ton of
blog prompts jotted down on pieces of paper. So today I help myself in a few
I am also helping
you who need a jolt of inspiration.
Worse case scenario you will know all about
what my blog posts through the end of the year will look like.
What is more likely
to happen: Life.
I write about what
is going on, what has happen or whatever captures my passion when I come to the
Animals – Elephant
My 1st Car
Real overnight successes
Sisters or growing up without them…
Independent Voters
Undecided Voters
Why I write Non Fiction
San Francisco
New York
Jig Saw Puzzles
Girlfriend Get Aways
Multiple Streams of Income
Direct Selling Adventures
Pizza Box Guitar for kids
Adoption/Foster Care
Being the scoop
Stories of my teen antics
Bacon or Coffee
TV Viewing Seasonal
Public Service
Public (Motivational) Speaking
Sustainable Living
Sugar Substitutes and Cancer risks
Job Hunting
Colds and Flu/Prevention and fighters
Attachment Parenting