Ever bump heads with someone? Within a few weeks last year I literally bumped heads with two different women. It was slightly painful. It was embarrassing.
We laughed and waved it off. All parties felt at fault if not a tad awkward for just a moment.
The moment passed, the annoying sensation of pain subsided and life went on. In both instances I was in a friendly safe place interacting with another person I had warm feelings towards. Inadvertently however the person and I hurt each other.
After the second occurrence I began to wonder if there was something I could take away from these experiences to help me in my life. I decided maybe so. I am a strong personality type who notices fascinating things in my relationships and activities.
It appears at times that people resent others by their very presence or due to out of the box thinking. What accounts for this? Maybe it is like bumping heads: too close space, inadvertent movement, miscalculation of thought, momentum, activity etc.
This is where walking in love and forgiveness as well as communication skills come into play and can be beneficial. Disaster occurs when people assume the worse, nursing all hurts perceived, implied and launched. They stew quietly or to others also with close minded perspectives on life, living and the world.
Make a vow to give people the benefit of doubt in all cases. Commit to clear the air when ever possible. This can lead to a life less drama filled and anti social.